
Katina E. Chase Elected to Executive Board of Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey

Brown & Connery is proud to share that Katina E. Chase, Esq. has been elected to serve as Secretary for the Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey (ABWL-NJ).  Ms. Chase will serve on the Executive Board for the 2024-2025 year, which is the 50th anniversary of the illustrious organization.

ABWL-NJ’s mission is to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of legal information concerning matters of interest to attorneys of color, as well as to assist in charitable and educational pursuits beneficial to the legal community and the community at large.

Ms. Chase will also serve as the Chair of the Diversity, Inclusion and Leadership Committee for the Burlington County Bar Association.  She has had an extensive career in public service and often focuses her community service in the City of Camden.

Ms. Chase is an associate of the firm and concentrates her practice in the defense of workers’ compensation matters.